Apparently, this is a blog where people from the US, Switzerland, Czech Republic, and Thailand all teamed up together to create a blog. I didn’t even know they could do that. Well, the did anyway. Now, they’re not together anymore. But anyway, they did an action research to see if blogging could improve students’ writing skill, motivate students, etc. It actually worked. Students were motivated and their writing skills improved tremendously in just a mere four weeks. Four weeks! Usually, it would have taken at a whole semester or two just to get them to that level. Well done, guys. They have about the same resources that most teachers would share. Still, it helps if someone is stuck. I actually saw “the Seven Degree of Connectedness”. I guess teacher have a lot more in common thanĀ  I thought. Very nice website overall. I think there should be more blogs where people from all over the world because we may be different people, but we have the same goals for our students: to help learn and grow.

One of the things the articles discussed about voicethreads is that there is more participation from the students. They can communicate what they learned and their opinions. I think that it’s a great idea because then I would be able to know if they actually understood what I would be trying to teach them or not. Then I can answer whatever questions they have right on the spot. Another thing that pointed was that now students weren’t afraid to speak up. I didn’t think it would be that beneficial to some students especially the shy ones. In my opinion, I would use voice thread whenever I got sick because, in a way, I would still be teaching my students the lesson or my substitute teacher would use it to help him/her teach the lesson. I will also use it as a power point in the classroom. I never heard of voice thread before, but I had fun with it. I will definitely use it in my future classroom.


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Chris Lehmann is definitely a thinker. His blogs talk about his feelings and stories about the school and the students. He talked about how some people say they’re all up for educational change but don’t really believe it. He went on to discuss that not only is fixing education is but important, but necessary. I can agree with that because to me somebody who says that yet doesn’t believe it is a total hypocrite. Chris also talked about how students made these projects and emotional it was. He was proud to know the students had deep understanding of what it means to learn, create, and lead. Almost one of those movie moments. This just shows how much emotion and care he has for his students, and he uses this blog to do that

Alright. I just got done making my scavanger hunt test from using Google docs, and I think it looks pretty good. In the future, I think I might actually use this more for my future class when conducting tests. Anyway, here’s the test:

I actually had fun using wordle and worditout. I got to be creative, and it got me thinking about how I would use it in a classroom. I thought that these types of activities could be used to teach my students how to use a computer. Deciding what kind of font can be used to help students learn how to use one aspect of Microsoft Word. Changing the color of the font can also be used to learn to use Microsoft Word. Basically, everything they learn would be used to learn how to use Microsoft Word. Not only is it educational, but it helps get the students engaged and creative making the lesson fun. I might actually use this in class. I enjoyed being creativeImageImage